Contamination by aerobic mesophilal and enterobacteriaceae bacteria in a pig refrigerator

  • Graziely Amorim Weiand Stadtlober Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Ângela Maria Fiorentini Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Joseana Severo Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Karin Buss Dias Bernardo Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Ivan Ricardo Carvalho Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Murilo Vieira Loro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Keywords: Sanitation, quality control, food safety, microbial count, correlation, regression


The study aimed to evaluate the knives, contact surfaces and carcasses for contamination by mesophilic aerobic bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae, in a pig slaughterhouse in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The present study took place in a pig slaughterhouse, located in the Northwest Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, under the Federal Inspection Service (SIF). The experimental design used was randomized blocks organized in a bifactorial scheme, being for the knives: 3 (days of collection) x 3 x 15 (time of collection and knives from the slaughter and deboning process), totaling 135 experimental units for the knives. For water, main contact surfaces and pig carcasses, a unifactorial scheme was used: 3 (days of collection) x 12 surfaces (5 contact surfaces and 7 carcasses), totaling 36 experimental units. Knives used during slaughter operations are a form of contamination. There is deficiency in the pre-operational hygiene procedure of the utensils.


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How to Cite
Stadtlober, G. A. W., Fiorentini, Ângela M., Severo, J., Bernardo, K. B. D., Carvalho, I. R., & Loro, M. V. (2023). Contamination by aerobic mesophilal and enterobacteriaceae bacteria in a pig refrigerator. Agronomy Science and Biotechnology, 10, 1-13.

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